
Corporate integrity & whistleblower policy

Integrity is central to the way we do business. In order to promote transparency about our conduct and our corporate integrity, we encourage a culture of open speaking in which employees can report any questionable behavior to their supervisors. Reporting a suspected violation is the duty of all employees and is encouraged by management. However, circumstances may arise that require to report through a confidential internal reporting channel.


We want to ensure that all employees have the tools, resources and information they need to always make the right decisions. That is why in 2014 the Holcim Group, of which Compaktuna BV is a part, launched the Holcim Integrity Line, a global ethical advice and reporting system that complements our already existing advice and reports.


On the basis of new whistleblower legislation in Belgium, an additional internal reporting channel and a new directive (the "Belgian Whistleblower Policy") was introduced at the Belgian level with effect from December 2023. This stipulates, among other things, which types of violations can be reported via this local reporting channel : the list of these types of violations is somewhat more extensive than that included in the Holcim Group's global whistleblower policy.


To report problems or ask questionsyou have on the one hand, access to the Holcim Integrity Line (with a secure telephone number and a web-based ethical advice and reporting system, as well as support from an independent provider) and on the other hand an e-mail address and telephone number under our Belgian Whistleblower Regulation.

Moreover, since July 1, 2024, there is also the possibility for third parties (self-employed people, shareholders and members of the administrative, management or supervisory body, volunteers and trainees, persons working under the supervision and direction of (sub)contractors and suppliers) to make use of the Belgian Whistleblowers' Regulation.

The Integrity Line platform and national Belgian procedure allow you to report anonymously, although we encourage you to identify yourself. You don’t need to fear retaliation if you make a report in good faith.



Holcim Belgium

Phone: 067/87.62.71



Access to the 'Integrity Line':
Phone: 0800 71365
Code: 77084